


Builder / Experiences


Updates in November 2022

The Studio đŸ’«
  • We've increased visibility into the number of published Pins with a new card in the
    Your content
    section of the Overview page. 👀📍 Haven't dropped a Pin yet? Learn about common use cases.
Untitled (14)
  • Filters you select on the Flows and Pins list pages will now remain set when you are navigating between the list page and individual experience pages.
Screen Recording 2022-12-13 at 09
The Builder 🔧
  • A new version of the Appcues Builder Google Chrome Extension is available. When you update to the new version, you now have the option to launch the Builder automatically (when navigating from Studio to Builder) instead of having to click the extension button each time. Read more for additional details.
  • You might have noticed a helpful new Banner in the builder - it's there to remind you when a Pin experience you’re currently working on is already published and live.
  • We made it easier to remove embedded video content within your Flow.
  • We've also improved Pins performance to guarantee that they will reappear when a user is quickly navigating back and forth between pages on your app. 🎉
Mobile đŸ“±
A new Survey Content Block has landed! Woohoo! 🙌
Text input
 is now available for use in your Mobile Flows. Here's the scoop:
  • Several input types are supported: Text, Number, Email, Phone, Name, Address, and URL (these different types are useful for changing the keyboard layout and autofill when focused).
  • You can choose to display as “short answer” and “long answer” as well as define a maximum number of characters.
  • You have the ability to set if the survey question is required and change the associated error message (and color).
  • You can also style the survey question and the input box, including text and placeholder colors.
Screen Recording 2022-12-08 at 08
  • Also new, select a Device Type from the Device Dropdown Menu to preview your Flow in the corresponding size. The list dynamically shows presets that pertain to the flow's app type. That means it will show either Native iOS or Android presets. For frameworks such as Ionic, React Native, and Flutter, all device options will be shown.
Screen Recording 2022-11-28 at 10
Mobile SDK:
  • [iOS - 
    ] Includes a patch update that provides an option to opt out of iOS Universal Link support via initialization config. Ionic apps do not handle universal links in a compatible way by default.
  • [Android - 
    ]  Support to expand to full screen on embedded video content. Also includes updates to better support minification during build. We recommend updating if using these specific features. 
  • [Ionic Capacitor - 
    ] & [Flutter - 
    ] Updated to include native SDK 1.1.1 updates noted above. iOS Universal Link support is now disabled by default, with an option to explicitly opt-in. We recommended updating to avoid any issues with link buttons not working in flows on iOS.
  • [Segment-Android - 
    ] Segment plugin for Android updated to include native SDK 1.1.1 update noted above. Improved the initialization logic - we recommended updating to improve stability around SDK initialization.
Bug fixes đŸ›đŸ’„
  • NPS:
    Fixed an issue where previewing your NPS survey would sometimes load the second question first.
  • NPS:
    In certain timezones, the NPS dashboard was adding one extra day to the default date range filter.
  • Localization:
    Fixed an issue causing some non-Roman characters not to appear in the Flow localization preview.
  • Events:
    Fixed an issue where some events were displaying their ID, not their name, in the conditions editor dropdown.
  • User Profiles:
    Fixed an issue where the User Profile page would not load properly if the user’s ID contained special characters.
  • CSS:
    Fixed an issue where specific CSS patterns in a customer app would cause the backdrop styling of Appcues tooltips to flash.
  • Pins:
    Fixed an issue where, in some cases, a double-click was needed to open a Pin’s content.
  • Flows:
    Fixed an issue where updating buttons in the mobile builder caused flow actions to be in the incorrect order.
  • Flows:
    Fixed an issue where setting the button as full-width on a modal would break on preview after setting the modal border.