


Builder / Experiences





June 2023 Updates

What's New
New & improved 🆕✨
  • Scheduling:
    Automatically publish (or un-publish) flows, banners, and pins to appear and disappear based on specified dates and times–just like magic. 💫 Additional guidance in our support doc.
  • Performance Metrics:
    The new Performance Metrics page consolidates all the essential flow metrics you care about into a single location, providing a more holistic view of performance.
  • Targeting:
    We’ve added a new auto-property called
    First Seen At
    . This auto-property is a timestamp of the first time a user has been seen by Appcues, making it easier to target new users in your app. 🙌
  • [Beta] Journeys Saved Positioning:
    Now, when you re-arrange elements on a Journey, it will save your changes. 👏
  • Appcues <> Zapier:
    The latest update to our Appcues <> Zapier Integration now lets you select multiple triggers at once so that you can choose more ways to trigger a zap in one swift motion.
  • Mobile Modals:
    We’ve added a new option for mobile modals–backdrop styling for even more control over the design of your mobile experiences.
  • Mobile Tooltips:
    📱🥳 Floating tooltips–now available–allow you to guide users on small screens. In case that’s not exciting enough, tooltips got some quick enhancements after release:
  1. First, the adjusted target position button will now remain active until you choose a position.
  2. You can also adjust the target position directly from the preview with the cross icon button.
  3. Lastly, if you move your tooltip location, we’ll show you the last target location you selected, so making adjustments is even easier.
In the works 🚧
  • [Coming Soon] Mobile Tooltips - Anchored:
    Available for Native iOS, Native Android, and React Native Apps–you’ll soon be able to anchor a tooltip directly to an in-app element. Great for calling out new features and elements that move depending on screen size.
  • [Coming Soon] Session Recording Integrations:
    Soon, you’ll be able to send events directly from Appcues to FullStory, Hotjar, and LogRocket, making it even easier to get a more complete picture of what your users are doing in your product.
  • [Coming Soon] Shadow DOM Support:
    Appcues will soon support products on Shadow DOM frameworks.
  • [Beta] Webhooks:
    Connect Appcues to even more tools with webhooks! Easily send real-time messages to your other tools when something happens with Appcues experiences. ⚙️💥 Check out the help doc and email Joey to get access.
  • [Beta] Control Experiments:
    Better measure flow impact on your flow’s key conversion goal by automatically excluding a control group from seeing your flow. 🧪🥂 Check out the help doc and email Joey to get access.