What's changed?
Skip the spreadsheet––survey responses now appear right where you want them––inside Appcues. Now, watch the feedback roll in directly alongside analytics.
Plus, you still have the option to export a full CSV of responses or automatically pass responses to Google Sheets, Slack, Airtable, and more.
What are in-app surveys?
In-app surveys are a great way to ask users for information and feedback while they are in the moment (for significantly higher response rates than email 🚀).
Use ratings, radio selects, short and long text inputs, and more fields to create a variety of impactful surveys. For ideas and tips, read our blog post.
🚀 Ready to dive in?
Responses are live and available for any Flow launched that contains survey fields. Scroll down on an individual Flow analytics page to see responses (you may need to update the date filter to match when responses came in as the default is the last 7 days). For additional help or to launch your first survey flow, check out the support doc.